URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/hamburg/colloquia_in_2010/september_21_2010/@@siteview
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What is the right Linear Collider?
Jenny List (DESY)
Building 1b, seminar room 4a/b, 17:00 h
Currently, the design of the International Linear Collider (ILC) is reevaluated in preparation for the project proposal due in 2012/13. The parameters of the accelerator, such as luminosity, tunable beam energy and polarization as well as the amount of machine related backgrounds, but also the precision to which these quantities can be controlled and measured, are intimately connected to the high precision physics programme of the ILC. Exemplarily chosen physics channels have been studied in detailed simulations by the detector concepts proposed for the ILC. These studies take into account not only up-to-date subdetector descriptions, based on prototyping and testbeam experience, but also include accelerator related aspects like machine backgrounds and beam energy spectrum. Therefore they are essential in order to evaluate the effects of various accelerator designs in view of limited resource and to ensure that the proposed machine and detector specifications will meet the divese requirements posed by the physics goals.