LHC - Forum

ATLAS: Takanori Kono (University Hamburg)
CMS: Alexei Raspereza (DESY)
DESY Hörsaal, 17:00h

The ATLAS and CMS experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have recorded their first collision data in November/December 2009 and are currently preparing for a long range physics run. DESY physicists have been engaged in completing and commisioning the detectors with and without beam, optimizing their performance, and analyzing the first collision data. In two presentations, the first physics results obtained with the 2009 data are presented and the prospects of the upcoming LHC data-taking period 2010/2011 are discussed.

application/pdf ATLAS.pdf (4.2 MB)
application/pdf CMS.pdf (3.1 MB)