Status of the NEMO Project, towards KM3NeT

Giorgio Riccobene (INFN LNS Catania)
Seminar Room 3, 15:00

The detection of >TeV neutrinos originated in astrophysical objects
is a "smoking gun" to identify the sources of Cosmic Rays. The
contemporary operation of the IceCube neutrino telescope, under
construction under the South Pole polar cap, together with the future
Mediterranean-km3, presently under design within the KM3NeT consortium,
is foreseen in the next years. The NEMO Collaboration, participating in
KM3NeT, aims at the construction of km3-scale neutrino telescope in deep sea.
Results of deep sea site seeking and monitoring activity and of the pilot
experiments NEMO Phase-1 will be discussed. The status of the NEMO
Phase 2, consisting in the realization of a deep sea infrastructure suitable
for the installation of the km3 telescope, project will be also presented

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