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Warped Dimensions and the LHC
Raman Sundrum (Johns Hopkins University)
Seminar Room 3, 15:00
The non-supersymmetric Randall-Sundrum mechanism for resolving the
electroweak Hierarchy Problem in terms of general relativistic redshifts
across "warped" higher-dimensional spacetime will be described in
simple terms. We review an attractive class of particle physics models
which exploit this mechanism and also address the origins of flavor
structure, as well as constraints on them from precision data. The collider
phenomenology of these models is outlined, namely the production of
extra-dimensional "Kaluza-Klein" excitations of Standard Model
particles and gravitons and their decays predominantly into top quarks
and electroweak bosons. The theoretical options for Dark Matter as
well as Grand Unification and the related phenomenology are briefly
discussed. The deep relationship via the AdS/CFT correspondence
between models of this type and strongly-coupled but purely
(3+1)-dimensional models is explained in simple terms.