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Predicting and Understanding Supersymmetry
Philip Bechtle (DESY)
Seminar Room 3, 15:00
With the advent of the LHC, TeV-scale Supersymmetry can be probed
over a large part of the theoretically motivated parameter space.
Several projects are therefore investigating existing
measurements like (g-2)μ, cosmological constraints and
precision data from colliders to constrain the allowed parameter
space and to make predictions for the LHC. The statistical
methods on which these predictions are based will be discussed
together with detailed studies of how the first LHC results could
be used to further constrain Supersymmetry. There, new challenges
arise e.g. from the fact that often different decay chains can
give rise to the same final state. A solution to this problem and
approaches for model discrimination are presented. An emphasis is
placed on the results obtained with the framework Fittino.