Soft Gluon Correlations and TeV Jet Production

Francesco Hautmann (Oxford)
DESY Auditorium, 16:45 h

TeV jets will be one of the primary tools, at the LHC and in future high-energy experiments, in the quest for new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) and for precision physics possibly revealing new aspects of the SM. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) effects have been pointed out which arise from color correlations induced by soft gluons coupling to the initial states and final states of the high-energy collision, and can affect the transverse momentum spectra and angular distributions measured in the mulit-TeV region. In this talk we will discuss these issues and present approaches to the QCD evolution of parton cascades designed to be well-suited for the treatment of inclusive variables but also of correlations and the analysis of exclusive components of final states.

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