Sustainable Software Development in Research - Methods and tools to make the first steps

Carina Haupt (DLR)
DESY Auditorium, 16.45 h

Research software is one of the basic tools of science. Scientists need to develop software to support their research. Thus, many researchers are faced with topics outside their domain: The development of sustainable software which delivers reproducible results. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) conducts R&D in the domains aeronautics, space, energy, transportation, and security. Software development plays an increasing role in DLR's research activities. Around 2500 persons of DLR's 8000 employees develop software - in part or full time. Important challenges are to support develpers from different research domains and to establish basic quality of produced software. Particularly, the lack of knowledge about software development leads to many issues such as missing or unclear source code and documentation, or substantial bugs. While most scientists are aware of these problems and are also willing to address them, they don't know where to start. This talk gives an overview of methods and tools to make software development sustainable. The presented methods and tools are taught and applied at DLR and adapted for the special requirements of a research environment.

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