URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/hamburg/colloquia_in_2009/december_8_2009/@@siteview
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From pp to heavy-ion collisions at the LHC: the ALICE experimental programme
Karel Safarik (CERN)
DESY auditorium, 17:00h
The physics motivation to collide heavy ions at LHC will be discussed. The dedicated heavy-ion collision detector, ALICE, which few days ago collected the first events from proton-proton collisions at LHC, will be described. Its performance, estimated from the simulations and from the analysis of cosmic-ray data, and the commissioning status will be reported. The main part of the talk will be devoted to the physics programme: form pp to heavy-ion collisions. At the end the result on charged-particle pseudorapidity density in pp interactions at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV, measured by ALICE with the data recorded during the LHC commissioning run, will be presented.