URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/hamburg/colloquia_in_2008/jul_82008/@@siteview
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Exploring the proton spin structure in high-energy polarized pp collisions
Bernd Surrow (MIT)
The PHENIX and STAR experiments at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Colliderat Brookhaven National Laboratory are carrying out a spin physics program in high-energy polarized proton collisions at √s = 200GeV and eventually at √s = 500GeV to gain a deeper insight into the spin structure and dynamics of the proton. These studies providefundamental tests of Quantum Chromodynamics. One of the main objectives of the spin physics program at RHIC is the precise determination of the polarized gluon distribution function. Recent results will be shown on the measurement of the longitudinal double spinasymmetry ALL. Those measurements are compared to NLO pQCDcalculations based on different assumptions for the gluon polarization in the proton. Future prospects such as the W physics program at RHIC to constrain polarized anti-quark distributions will be discussed at the end along with the plan for the construction of a new electron-proton/ion collider(EIC) facility.