URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/hamburg/colloquia_in_2008/@@siteview
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Colloquia in 2008
- 2008/01/22 R&D for Detectors for the International Linear Collider Chris Damerell (RAL)
- 2008/01/29 Astrophysics at the Terascale Dieter Horns (Universität Hamburg)
- 2008/02/12 Prospects of Particle Physics in China Hesheng Chen(IHEP)
Festkolloquium for Fridger Schrempp
A. Ringwald: Instantons/Sphalerons: Searching for New Physics within the Standard Model
S.-O. Moch: Deep-inelastic scattering -- from HERA to LHC --- - 2008/02/26 Electroweak Penguin Decays of B Mesons Jürgen Kroseberg (Universität Bonn and SCIPP, University of California)
- 2008/03/04 Neutrinos: Results and Future Boris Kayser (FNAL)
- 2008/03/11 The Physics Program at the PS and SPS: CERN's unique Scientific Breadth Christoph Rembser (CERN)
- 2008/03/18 Searches for Higgs bosons and New Physics at the Tevatron Volker Büscher (Universität Bonn)
- 2008/03/25 First results from the Borexino experiment Lothar Oberauer (TU München)
- 2008/04/01 B Physics at the TeVatron Joseph Boudreau (Pittsburgh)
- 2008/04/15 Measurements of F<sub>L</sub> at HERA Sasha Glazov (H1, DESY), Shima Shimizu (ZEUS, University of Tokyo)
- 2008/04/29 The CDF Silicon Detector: Design, Operations, Studies Ulrich Husemann (DESY Zeuthen)
- 2008/05/06 Precision predictions for SUSY and GUT processes at hadron colliders Michael Klasen (Univ. Grenoble)
- 2008/05/27 The Beijing Spectrometer III Experiment - Status and Physics Program Niklaus Berger (IHEP)
- 2008/06/06 Progress in direct dark matter searches and CRESST Franz Proebst (MPI Munich)
- 2008/06/10 LUNA and the Neutrinos from the Sun Daniel Bemmerer (Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- 2008/06/17 Cold Dark Matter Searches and the Xenon100 experiment Laura Baudis (Universität Zürich)
- 2008/06/24 QCD Studies at the TeVatron - recent results Markus Wobisch (Louisiana Tech University)
- 2008/07/01 Lepton universality and tau lepton mass measurement Simon Eydelman (Novosibirsk)
- 2008/07/08 Exploring the proton spin structure in high-energy polarized pp collisions Bernd Surrow (MIT)
- 2008/09/09 Status and perspectives of double beta decay searches Kai Zuber (TU Dresden)
- 2008/09/16 A review of latest developments in PDFs J. Stirling (Durham)
- 2008/09/23 Hints of New Physics in b-->s transitions Achille Stocchi (LAL, Universite de Paris/Orsay)
- 2008/09/30 Space, Time and Matter Heinrich Hertz Lecture: G. Veneziano
- 2008/10/07 Status of the CMS Experiment Wolfram Zeuner (DESY)
- 2008/10/14 Status of the LHC machine Oliver Brüning (CERN)
- 2008/10/21 LHC inauguration
- 2008/10/28 Signals from the Universe: from DAMA/NaI to DAMA/LIBRA Antonella Incicchitti (INFN, Rome)
Tevatron, LHC and CTEQ4LHC
Joey Huston (Michigan State)
DESY auditorium, 17:00h -
LHeC - A Status Report
Max Klein (Liverpool)
DESY auditorium, 17:00h -
Search for New Physics with Atomics Clocks
Ekkehard Peik (PTB Braunschweig)
DESY auditorium, 17:00h -
Bottomonium Spectroscopy and the Discovery of the Bottomonium Ground State at BaBar
Silke Nelson (SLAC)
DESY auditorium, 17:00h -
The Tevatron as a Probe of the Fundamental Particles and their Interactions in our Universe
Beate Heinemann (University of California, Berkeley)
DESY auditorium, 17:00h