URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/zeuthen/past_colloquia/colloquia_in_2016/march_9_2016/@@siteview
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Laser-driven proton acceleration: new prospects in tumor therapy and laboratory astrophysics
Christian Rödel (SLAC | University of Jena)
Seminar room 3, 15:00
Accelerating particles by high-intensity laser plasmas has the potential of building compact accelerators with unique properties that can be exploited for medical applications and basic research. I will present the recent experimental progress on laser-driven proton acceleration at Dresden-Rossendorf and SLAC. Strong, filamentary, spatial modulations of the proton beam have been observed. Simulations reveal that they originate from the strong magnetic fields produced due to the Weibel instability. The importance of the experimental study of magnetic field amplification by the relativistic Weibel instability is discussed. Such laboratory experiments can address questions in astroparticle physics and the strongly increased quality and unprecedented emittance of the proton beams may find applications in accelerator research and tumor therapy.