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Kaon Physics in the Era of LHC
Tommaso Spadaro (INFN Frascati)
Seminar Room 3, 15:00
In recent years, information from kaon decay studies allowed
important improvements in testing for possible new physics
effects beyond the Standard Model. State-of-the-art results
have been obtained, which turned into severe constraints for
possible extensions of the SM: a new determination of the
Vus CKM matrix parameter, precision tests of
CP and CPT symmetries, and several tests for lepton-flavor
violation will be some of the topics discussed.
In the future decade, kaons will continue to play a fundamental
role in testing for possible new physics scenarios. From the
theoretical side, improvements in lattice techniques proved to
be continuous and might have significative impacts even with
present data. From the experimental side, a future generation
of experiments will further push up the mass-scale sensitivity
to new physics, in particular with NA62 at CERN and with the
rich kaon physics program at J-Parc in Japan.