URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/zeuthen/past_colloquia/colloquia_in_2016/december_14_2016/@@siteview
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Anomaly! Controversial phenomena in CDF data and the five sigma criterion in HEP.
Tommaso Dorigo (INFN | University Padova)
Seminar room 3, 15:00
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 48 years after its first invocation and 22 years after its first dutiful application, the five-sigma criterion used in HEP and astro-HEP does not appear adequate to cover all experimental situations.
The seminar will start with a short history of the five-sigma criterion, will then focus on a few anomalies found in HEP data and on their resolution, and then discuss the statistical problem of defining a proper discovery level for new phenomena and on the non-trivial issues it entails.