Illuminating Hidden Worlds: Particle Physics at Lowest Energies

Axel LIndner (DESY)
Seminar Room 3, 15:00

In the recent years theoretical studies and astrophysical observations
have indicated that new constituents of our universe may be discovered
not only at large-scale experiments at highest energies, but could also
show up at the opposite energy scale. In many laboratories world-wide
searches for new particles with only a millionth of the electron mass are
ongoing. One example is the experiment ALPS ("Any Light Particle Search")
at DESY. Here new particles could manifest itself in a very spectacular
manner. Light would apparently shine through thickest walls. After the
successful start of ALPS and other experiments, plans are discussed
for a second generation of experiments, which will advance into yet
unexplored parameter regions.

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Axel Lindner.pdf