URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/hamburg/colloquia_in_2024/03_september_2024/@@siteview
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Do we see a new interaction in the magnetic moment of the muon?
Zoltan Fodor (Penn State/Wuppertal/FZJ)
Auditorium (DESY Hamburg) and Zoom, 16:00h
Recently strong disagreement has been found between the measurements of the muon's magnetic moment and the reference Standard Model prediction. Such a large discrepancy should signal the discovery of interactions or particles not present in the Standard Model. Here we present a new first-principle calculation of the least known contribution. An agreement with the Standard Model at the 0.9-sigma level is found. This provides a remarkable validation of the Standard Model.
We invite you to attend the presentation in person at the DESY Auditorium. We will also offer a webcast to this colloquium.
Connection details at https://desy.zoom.us/j/99616528733
Meeting ID: 996 1652 8733
Meeting Password: 733220