How many new particles still remain to be discovered and how to find them?

Mikhail Shaposhnikov (EPFL) and Heiko Lacker (HU Berlin)
Auditorium (DESY Hamburg) and Zoom, 16:00h

The Standard Model of particle physics (SM) and Einstein general relativity are extremely successful in describing almost all phenomena observed in Nature so far, spanning distances from a fraction of Fermi to thousands of Mpc. M.S. will deliberate on the question formulated in the title, given that the SM does not allow neutrino oscillations, does not have a candidate for dark matter in the Universe, and does not explain the observed cosmological dominance of matter over antimatter. H.L. will describe the proposed BDF/SHiP project designed to search for new particles discussed in the first part of the talk.

This is a hybrid colloquium.

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