Award Ceremony: Beate Naroska Guest Professorship

Prof. Dr. Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London)
Dr. Gudrun Wanner (AEI Hannover)
Auditorium (DESY Hamburg) and Zoom, 16:00h

Beate Naroska (1943–2008)

Was a professor in experimental particle physics at the Universität Hamburg. She was an excellent scientist, a very devoted teacher and a mentor of many young scientists.
The guest professorship programme of the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe has been established in her honour.

The Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe is pleased to invite you to the Award Ceremony for the Beate Naroska Guest Professorships 2022.

Theoretical physicist Prof. Dr. Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London) and gravitational physicist Dr. Gudrun Wanner (AEI Hannover) are honoured for their outstanding research as well as for their active involvement in creating equal opportunities for women in physics.

The ceremony will feature presentations by the two awardees:

"Gravitational wave detection in space: Why we want this, what we will learn, and why optical simulations are an important element in the machinery"
by Dr. Gudrun Wanner

"Positivity in research and in the sky"
by Prof. Dr. Claudia de Rham

The ceremony will have an opening speech by Prof. Erika Garutti and closing remarks by Prof. Elisabetta Gallo. Honorific speeches by Prof. Oliver Gerberding and Prof. Geraldine Servant will precede the presentations by the awardees.

Please attend the award ceremony in person. For convenience and everyone who will not be able to come, we also provide a zoom connection.

Connection details at
Meeting ID: 670 4744 0589
Meeting Password: 98307217

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Poster for the Beate Naroska Award