URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/hamburg/colloquia_in_2011/march_22_2011/@@siteview
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Ceremonial Colloquium on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Volker Soergel
DESY Auditorium, 15.15 h
15:15 Welcome (J. Mnich and H. Graener)
15:30 News from the accelerator sky:
High energy gamma astronomy
D. Horns, Hamburg University
First results from the LHC
S. Bethke, MPI-Physik, Munich
16:50 Reception
St. Jacobi Hamburg:
20:30 Organ Concert at the Arp-Schnitger Organ
Music by G. Frescobaldi, J.-K. Kerll,
J.-S. Bach, M. Praetorius Creutzbergensis
at the organ G. Soergel