Intense Lasers, Laser Acceleration and High Field Science

Toshiki Tajima (LMU, Munich)
DESY Auditorium, 17:00h

The emergence of intense lasers enables us to take a fresh outlook on accelerator physics and consequently opportunities for high energy and related physics. Laser acceleration not only provides one of the future options of HEP colliders, but also paves ways for broader scientific and societal applications, including a possibly more compact FEL. Moreover, intense lasers open an avenue of high field science not just in high momentum approaches, but also in high amplitude physics. The vacuum physics exploration is one such example. The permeability of vacuum changes in the presence of high fields and nonlinear optics of vacuum can reveal nonlinear QED, the Schwinger process, and perhaps even the QCQ physics. Our approach by photons may reveal previously invisible fields such as dark matter and dark energy. Also mentioned are currently ongoing collaborative initiatives between the laser and accelerator communities for the fundamental physics and HEP.

(Jointly organized with the graduate school 1355 "Physics with new advanced coherent radiation sources "of the Hamburg University.)

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