URL: https://physikseminar.desy.de/zeuthen/past_colloquia/colloquia_in_2015/october_15_2015/@@siteview
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Information Field Theory — the logic of Perception, applied to Astrophysics
Torsten Ensslin (MPI A, München)
Seminar room 1, 10.00
Extraordinary Seminar Talk!
Information field theory (IFT) describes probabilistic image reconstruction from incomplete and noisy data. Based on field theoretical concepts IFT provides optimal methods to generate images exploiting all available information. Applications in astrophysics are galactic tomography, gamma- and radio- astronomical imaging, and the analysis of cosmic microwave background data. A novel IFT-based gamma ray sky image derived from data of the Fermi-satellite provides insights into the high energy properties of the Milky Way.