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A New Era of Flavor Physics: Belle II and the SuperKEKB Project
Christian Kiesling (MPI Munich)
Seminar Room 3, 15:00h
With the completion of the first-generation experiments at asymmetric e+ e- colliders (BaBar and Belle), studying CP violation in the B-meson system, the mechanism of CP violation within the Standard Model (SM), as formulated by Kobayashi and Maskawa and honored with the Nobel prize in 2008, has been verified to a remarkable degree. In these experiments, quantum-entangled B-meson pairs are produced exclusively, where all the decay channels of the B-mesons and their antiparticles can be observed. In the search of new Physics beyond the SM, a new era of high luminosity machines (“Super B Factories”) will start in the year 2014 with the upgraded KEKB machine in Japan (``SuperKEKB''), providing an instantaneous luminosity of close to 1036 cm-2 s-1, almost two orders of magnitude higher than the present world record of KEKB. Due to the much higher backgrounds expected at SuperKEKB, a massive upgrade of the Belle detector (``Belle II'') is necessary, featuring also a novel pixel vertex detector based on the DEPFET technology.
In this seminar we introduce the basic ingredients of measuring CP violation in an asymmetric e+ e- collider and report on the upgrade program for SuperKEKB and Belle II, with particular emphasis on the tracking detectors. We then demonstrate the physics potential of Belle II and show its complementarity with experiments at the LHC.