Axions: Primed for Discovery and Beyond

Frank Wilczek (MIT, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Stockholm University, Arizona State University) and Karl Van Bibber (UC Berkeley)
Auditorium (DESY Hamburg) and Zoom, 16:00h

The axion represents a compelling solution to not just one, but possibly two outstanding mysteries in physics today: the Strong CP-problem and the identity of the dark matter of the universe. This colloquium will start with a theoretical view on axions by Frank Wilczek, and continue with a focus on the burgeoning experimental and observational activity in the search for the axion and axion-like particles by Karl Van Bibber. The colloquium will also cover technologies these searches are driving, and what might lie beyond discovery.

This is a hybrid colloquium.

15' Frank Wilczek via zoom
5' Questions and discussion
45' Karl Van Bibber in person
15' Questions and discussion

Connection details at

Meeting ID: 996 1652 8733
Meeting Password: 733220

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Invitation poster for this colloquium