Beate Naroska Guest Professorship Award Ceremony

Jennifer Schober (LASTRO, EPFL Lausanne) and Mariana Graña (CEA/CNRS Saclay)
Auditorium (DESY Hamburg) and Zoom, 16:00h

Since 2020, the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe in cooperation with DESY annually awards two guest professorships to outstanding women scientists. The Beate Naroska guest professorships are part of the cluster’s commitment to promoting gender equity and diversity. They address advanced women scientists as well as established researchers in the fields of physics of the Higgs boson, dark matter, gravitational waves and quantum theory, who are active role models for female colleagues beyond their scientific work.

In 2023, the Beate Naroska Senior Guest Professorship is awarded to Mariana Graña, Director of Research at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Saclay (CEA/CNRS), France. The Junior Guest Professorship will be held by Jennifer Schober, research group leader at the Laboratory of Astrophysics (LASTRO, EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The winners of the Beate Naroska Guest Professorship 2023, Mariana Graña (senior, left) and Jennifer Schober (junior, right).

This is a hybrid colloquium.

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Meeting ID: 996 1652 8733
Meeting Password: 733220

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Invitation poster for this colloquium