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Measurement of Higgs Production and Decay in CMS and ATLAS
James G. Branson (University of California San Diego)
Seminar room 3, 3:00 pm
On July 4, 2012, both CMS and ATLAS showed Higgs search results at CERN. Each experiment had a narrow resonance with a mass around 125 with a significance of almost exactly 5 sigma when combining the channels analyzed (which seems very lucky sociologically). The discovery of a resonance in the modes expected for the SM Higgs indicated that the somewhat preposterous SM Higgs Mechanism was correct, but the details were still unclear. A Higgs mass of around 125 is very interesting since it is consistent with EW measurements in the SM, allows measurement of many decay modes, is consistent with the prediction of SUSY and it is possible in (new) composite Higgs models. It was decided that the LHC run at 8 TeV should be extended to determine whether this resonance was the Higgs. With substantial additional luminosity, we have begun to measure the couplings of this particle and can now say that it is a Higgs-like particle. In this seminar, I summarize the measurements of CMS and ATLAS with an emphasis on the bosonic decay modes (ZZ, gamma gamma, and WW). I also summarize what we have measured concerning the spin and parity of the resonance. Finally I discuss what we know about the couplings and what can be done in future runs at higher energy and higher luminosity.