MeV to GeV Dark Matter: When WIMPs Are Too Heavy and Axions Too Light

Josef Pradler (Austrian Academy of Sciences & University of Vienna)
Auditorium (Bldg 5, DESY Hamburg) and Zoom, 16:00h

Symmetry magazine, Illustration by Sandbox Studio, Chicago with Ana Kova

Astronomical and cosmological observations reveal a persistent discrepancy between the apparent distribution of mass and predictions based on gravity, pointing to the presence of dark matter. In this talk, I will review dark sector candidates in the MeV to GeV mass range. These candidates have driven theoretical innovation and experimental progress while offering astrophysical and cosmological implications that complement those of electroweak-scale dark matter and ultralight candidates such as axions. I will present the general picture, discuss recent developments and outstanding challenges—from theoretical constraints to experimental detection strategies—and highlight ongoing efforts aimed at further illuminating the dark sector.

We invite you to attend the presentation in person at the DESY Auditorium. We will also offer a webcast to this colloquium.

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Meeting ID: 996 1652 8733
Meeting Password: 733220

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Invitation poster for this colloquium