Recent Developments in Detector Development

Christian Kiesling (MPI Munich)
DESY Auditorium, 17.15 h

This seminar is integrated in the 9th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz-Alliance Workshop "Physics at the Terascale".

Answering to the challenges encountered at the present and future particle colliders, an intense research program is being carried out since a number of years, aiming at the efficient detection of particles over a wide range of species and energies. In this seminar we will first review the concepts of the main components in modern particle detector systems, such as tracking and vertexing devices, calorimeters, and particle identification detectors. We will then discuss recent trends of modern particle detection technologies, based on specific examples from large scale general purpose experiments. While these technologies are being developed mainly for the field of particle physics, they turn out to be quite useful also in other areas of research.

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