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Forum on Double Parton Scattering
Vanya Belyaev (ITEP Moscow), Markus Diehl (DESY), Paolo Gunnellini (DESY)
Building 1b / seminar room 4a-b, 16.15 - 17.45
When the parton densities probed in a proton-proton collision become very large, the probability to observe more than one partonic scattering becomes observable. Such double-parton scattering (DPS) is not described in the standard calculations and needs a special treatment. DPS can be investigated by measuring using different observables. Simulations including contributions of DPS can describe the measurements, while a simulation without DPS fail. Measurements at the LHC clearly show the need of double-parton scattering at large transverse momenta in hadronic collisions.