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IceCube: The beginning of a new era in neutrino astrophysics
Markus Ackermann (DESY)
DESY Auditorium, 16.45 h
40 years after the concept of high-energy neutrino telescopes has been devised, IceCube has found for the first time a strong evidence for neutrinos of astrophysical origin. Moreover, with its surface array and densely instrumented core the IceCube observatory is a multi-purpose instrument for studying cosmic rays, fundamental neutrino properties, and searches for beyond-the-standard model particles.
I will summarize important recent results obtained from the analysis of IceCube data with the focus on the description of the evidence for astrophysical neutrinos that has been found. Further, a short outlook on future plans to extend the unique science infrastructure of the IceCube observatory is presented.